Browsing: Index / Business & Economy / Engineering (1-5 of 5 Sites)
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Chill Technology
Northland's Heating & Cooling specialists offer you expert advice & qualified engineers to install Heat Pump, Air Conditioning, in your home & office, so you are the right temperature, all year round
Views: 21678   Hits: 675
  Added/Updated: Monday, May 2, 2011
Engineering Services Northland
Design, manufacturing and installation of stainless steel plant, for the rural and agricultural market.
Categories: Engineering
Views: 9791   Hits: 715
  Added/Updated: Monday, June 16, 2003
Formerly known as Lamberts Specialised Machinery, World leaders in friction material (Brake Lining) saw manufacturing.
Categories: Engineering
Views: 9784   Hits: 767
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
McBreen Jenkins Group of Companies
Quarrying, civil engineering construction and telecommunications. ISO 9000 accreditation.
Categories: Engineering
Views: 9593   Hits: 627
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, January 8, 2003
GRIT Engineering Ltd
GRIT Engineering Ltd is an independent civil structural engineering, design, and consulting firm with extensive experience working with industrial and infrastructure assets..
Views: 3232   Hits: 0
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
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