Browsing: Index / Pentecostal / Churches (1-5 of 5 Sites)
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Elim Churches Nationwide
Location details, Phone and Contact Names for Elim Churches in New Zealand.
Categories: Churches
Views: 11882   Hits: 908
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Life City Church
A thriving Church on Aucklands North Shore close to Northern Motorway exits with new state of the art auditorium
Categories: Churches | Churches | Religion
Views: 35150   Hits: 1704
  Added/Updated: Tuesday, October 30, 2007
New Life Churches of New Zealand
God inspired movement of member churches committed to glorifying Christ.
Categories: Churches
Views: 11900   Hits: 856
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Upper Hutt City Assembly of God
Upper Hutt City Assembly of God Church.
Categories: Churches | Pentecostal
Views: 37752   Hits: 1919
  Added/Updated: Friday, January 30, 2004
C3 Church Christchurch
C3 Church is one church in three locations across the city of Christchurch. Sundays 10am & 6pm.
Categories: Churches | Churches
Views: 7005   Hits: 25
  Added/Updated: Tuesday, December 5, 2017
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